Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DR. BILL WINSTON'S Book, Transform Your Thinking

Truly a great book to read and I recommend it for all those who are seeking, and desiring to know who is this man called JESUS, HIS WILL,PURPOSE and HIS expectations of US. This Book, WILL radically changed your way of thinking, I know that it has for me; and that's a good thing. It has really had an impact on my conscience and my subconscious to the point that they agree with the mind set of JESUS. And I believe that it WILL do the same for all who read it. And now that I have read it, I AM on my way to being EQUIPPED, EMPOWERED, and READY to BECOME centered to do, ALL that GOD in CHRIST JESUS has PURPOSED.

It is full of information for enlightenment, PURPOSE, and ridding our minds of toxicities of deceptive influences that block and stop US from having, and becoming all that GOD in CHRIST JESUS has ORDAINED. And how HE DESIRES to give US all That HE HAS BEEN GIVEN BY GOD only if WE READ, STUDY, MEDITATE on HIS WORD and say what HE SAYS ABOUT US, and not to rely on our own thinking,or the ways and thoughts of the UNBELIEVER, but rather HIS WORD DAY AND NIGHT IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD TIMES so as to TRANSFORMED into HIS WAYS AND HIS THINKING!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


My name is Vonda, I AM a mother, friend, a Christian, a member of Ambassadors For Christ Church, and a child of the MOST HIGH GOD. I enjoy writing poetry, singing Gospel song that I write and play on key board piano and on string Guitar.

I have had no training theoretically, but that's OK because the GOD that I serve says that HE WILL take you right where you're at, and what I do is play and sing what ever the HOLY SPIRIT LEADS me to do! And it not only brings me joy, but others also.

And to enlighten you on a true fact of my pass I'd like to share with you a brief story of my life that can be found on; and also linked to Facebook, Twitter and coming soon to YOUTUBE, and whosoever else that will allow me to post and share my story. Because what happened to me I sincerely wouldn't like for it to happen to any one else.